Meru National Park

Once in a while, get in a car and go to an unknown destination. You never know what treasure you might unravel.

Anticipating Obama’s visit, one touch (Mwarv, Obuna, Makeni and I) decided to go on a different tangent, over 250kms away from Nairobi, Meru. The road was a feast for the eyes, rows and rows of wheat fields and a nice sky.What more could you ask for?

Meru National park was our destination and after stocking up at Meru town we made our way there. Unfortunately the road is not as good, and if you are not careful, expect a tyre issues. We had an awesome caretaker at the campsite. This guy made sure we had a bonfire all 3 nights we were there and even provided mattresses to cushion that hard ground (Camping with tents is not a joke). The main highlight of the trip was scaling Elsa’s kopje hill and seeing one of the most beautiful sunsets. All in all, the park was awesome and the experience worthwhile. Here are some pictures, enjoy and have a nice week 🙂